Sunday, March 27, 2011

Flights are Booked!

After months of on-line researching of every possible program for volunteering in Ghana, I settled on DIVOG! They felt right from the very start but I wanted to be sure I had looked over every possible opportunity!

And so last week I joined Riley and Raegan as they rolled up their sleeves and got stuck with the Yellow Fever vaccine. And then a couple of days ago sat at the computer with my index finger on the mouse button ready to click BOOK IT and confirm those very expensive flights! I double and triple checked the dates and times and then closed my eyes, gritted my teeth and made that final click. They will be on their way May 17th, 2011!

Ben and Michaela and I plan to join them on July 17th and all fly home together on August 17th. I'm thinking and hoping that number 17 is our lucky number!