From Riley's email today... The nice thing about DIVOG is that they can answer all of our questions, help us get around, speak good English and are very good at making sure we are always drinking the right water and the right food. This gives you more time to go and do what you want to with kids and the area. You never have to worry about buying food, water, anything..If it wasn't for the phone we would not have spent 1$ yet.
The kids loooove match box toys and yes, bring glow sticks for sure...the kids would love those at night as it's hard to think of stuff to do at night and so the kids just jump on me!
They will love almost anything you bring. Those animal shaped bracelets and little hotwheels cars - they fought over those for a while.
They liked the frisbees but they loved the soccer balls - bring more!
If anyone would like to donate soccer balls or matchbox cars (they don't have to be new) or glow sticks we will be happy to take them with us when we go in July!